Important Elements Of Affordable Website Design

Jan 6, 2022 | Uncategorized

Affordable Website Design

Affordable Website Design – What You Need To Know.

Many webmasters do not understand the importance of the different elements involved with website design;  Professional website designers with years of experience DO understand Affordable Website Design. It is vitally important to have a focal point for your website and we usually do this via a Video or Sliders. Either of these immediately attract your visitors attention when they view your site as there is movement that catches the eye.

The colour scheme is also very important.  If it is a harmonious colour arrangement, it will be easy for your visitors to navigate your site and view the various elements. As with style generally, black and white is always a good start; however you do need some contrasting colours that are in harmony with the rest of your website. Typically most website themes use two to three colours but no more. They should blend with each other and provide a harmonious balance.

Similarly the text should be easy to read. Remember that when you are designing a website on a laptop or desktop computer, you get a different view to those who are viewing your website on  mobile. These days website design should be primarily for mobile viewers and use a font size that is easy to read. Websites that are balanced and attractive will generally enjoy greater success than a website that is difficult to read.

In using the space on your website, make sure to space things out to make them easy to read. This is particularly important for mobile viewers; your website needs to look good on mobile as that is where most people will view your website.

Websites should also be designed from the start with SEO ( search engine optimization) in mind.  No matter how good your website looks, if it cannot be found it is basically useless.  Navigation is also important; you need to make it easy for visitors to find their way around your website.

A common mistake we see is visitors is having to search for your contact details. They should be displayed prominently throughout your website and we make a habit of making sure they’re at the very top and very bottom of your website, along with a Contact Page that includes your physical location in case people need to visit you.

If you have any Special Offers, make sure they are prominently displayed on the home page – visitors may not visit a special offer page if it is not prominently displayed

Images are also very important, particularly if you are selling a product. Even with services, a pictorial representation is important as many visitors will scroll through your site and images catch the eye more easily than text.

Finally we recommend having a contact form on your main page to make it easy for visitors to ask for further information.

There is of course a very simple way to make sure all of this is attended to – ring Terry on 0468 420 470 and let us do it all for you; this also makes sure you get the best Value For Money!

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